The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance has unveiled the U.S. Identity Preserved quality assurance plan and brand mark at an event in Vietnam. SSGA leaders say the move symbolizes a landmark advancement in the verification of trust, traceability and value for food manufacturers, processors and exporters. SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg joins Dan Lemke to explain the program.
Farm News
November 2, 2022
USDA has declared several Minnesota counties as disaster areas. This Secretarial natural disaster designation allows the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to extend emergency credit to producers recovering from natural disasters through emergency loans. Emergency loans can be used to meet various recovery needs including the replacement of essential items such as equipment or livestock, reorganization of a farming operation or the refinance of certain debts. FSA will review the loans based on the extent of losses, security available and repayment ability.
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, these counties suffered from a drought intensity value during the growing season of 1) D2 Drought-Severe for 8 or more consecutive weeks or 2) D3 Drought-Extreme or D4 Drought-Exceptional.
Primary eligible counties include: Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Le Sueur, Ramsey, Scott and Sibley. Contiguous eligible counties include: Anoka, McLeod, Rice, Washington, Blue Earth, Nicollet, Sherburne, Wright, Goodhue, Renville and Waseca. The application deadline is May 9.
Corn and soybean harvest are nearly wrapped up across Minnesota. According to the latest USDA Crop Progress report, 98% of the soybeans and 80% of the corn have been harvested. Both are on par with a year ago and ahead of the five year average.

Richard Syverson farms in Pope County. He says despite the late start and dry growing season, crops on his farm were surprisingly good and most of the harvest in the area has been completed. Listen
Harvest in Southwest Minnesota is also nearing completion thanks to a lengthy period of dry conditions according to Jim Nesseth with Extended Ag Services. Listen
After nearly a month with no new highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) cases in Minnesota, several commercial and backyard flocks have tested positive for HPAI. Dr. Shauna Voss with the Minnesota Board of Animal Health says fall is an active time for waterfowl migration, so it's likely more cases of HPAI will surface. Listen
Quality used farm equipment continues to draw premium prices at farm sales and auctions. Greg "Machinery Pete" Peterson says prices remain strong for most sectors of farm implements,, except for lower horsepower tractors. Listen
The annual FFA Convention in Indianapolis has concluded. Minnesota State FFA President Emma Kuball says the state was well represented. Listen
The 39th annual GreenSeam Rural Forum is scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2022 at the Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center in Mankato. This event connects public leaders and a wide range of attendees from the agricultural sector, such as producers, manufacturers, educators, researchers, and more.

Rural Forum presents a great opportunity for conversations about key issues facing the rural economy, as well as brainstorming potential solutions. Keynote speakers include Ariel Delouya,
Consul General of Canada and Ivan Sierra
Head Consul of Mexico.
More information on the Rural Forum is available here.

Corn grower leaders are calling for the United States Trade Representative to intervene in a trade dispute with Mexico over corn imports. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s has promised to enact a decree that would end imports of corn grown using biotech and certain herbicides by 2024. Biotech corn makes up over 90% of U.S. corn crops. Eden Valley farmer and National Corn Growers Association President Tom Haag says the ban is problematic for many reasons, plus it could violate the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement. Listen
Agriculture groups, fuel companies and attorneys general from 17 states have filed a series of legal briefs arguing against action taken by the EPA to reinstate California's authority to implement a mandate for zero-emissions vehicles. Among the issues the groups, including the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, argue is that the move is unconstitutional. California regulators announced a plan to ban the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles in the state by 2035, pushing the state and others who follow California's lead toward all electric vehicles. Minnesota Soybean Growers Association President Bob Worth says biodiesel and ethanol would be drastically affected by California's regulation. Listen
Marshall, Minnesota native Brian Werner is the new executive director for the Minnesota Biofuels Associaiton. Werner spent the last 15 years in Washington D.C. working for Minnesota lawmakers, including Con. Collin Peterson and Sen. Amy Klobuchar on agriculture and renewable energy issues. The Minnesota Biofuels Association works on legislative advocacy, research, marketing and consumer access. Werner says among the issues the organization is working on is greater E15 access and support. Listen
Upcoming Events
Nov. 8 Election Day
Nov. 10 MN AgriGrowth Council 2022 Minnesota Ag & Food Summit, Minneapolis
Nov. 17-19 Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting, Bloomington
Nov. 18-20 Minnesota Farmers Union State Convention, Minneapolis
Dec. 1 GreenSeam Rural Forum, Mankato
Dec. 15-16 University of Minnesota Soil Management Summit, St. Cloud
Cranberries are a staple at many Thanksgiving Day dinners. Wisconsin is the nation's top cranberry-producing state. In 2021, Wisconsin produced about 5.2 million barrels of cranberries or about the 63% of total U.S. output. Just five states produce most of the nation's cranberries. Wisconsin is followed by Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington.